Aikido Demo & Workshop at Inspire! Community Expo, July 22

The Aiki Budo Centre is proud to have been invited to perform a demo and workshop at the Inspire! Community Expo, a family event to encourage healthy living and community involvement, this Saturday, July 22!

The event will be running from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm with our session at 3:00 pm. Don’t worry, plenty of time to get there after Saturday morning weapons’s class.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in attending the Aikido session, yoga, salsa dancing workshops, watching some live music, learning about smart juicing and much more, please visit the events Facebook page for more details.

If you are available to help with the session in any way, please contact Sensei Knight who will be coordinating the session. Also available in person in class this Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

See links below for more details:

Our Instructors

Our Instructors

Qualified instructors are certified and have reference materials to guide you. Several of our instructors have trained and taught in Japan. Your destiny awaits by starting your practice!

Weapons Program

Weapons Program

Weapon training helps improve the sense of extending or projecting our energy forward. Weapons only classes are offered Tuesdays from 8:00 to 9:00 pm and Saturdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon. Read more about our Weapons Program!


Children’s Program

Children’s Program

In our London location children ages 6 and up can train on Tuesdays from 6:15 to 7:00 pm and on Saturdays from 9:15 until 10:00 am. In Ingersoll the children’s class is from 2:00 to 3:00 pm on Saturdays. Read more about our Children’s Program.

Adult Program

Adult Program

Available Monday through Saturday. Training goals include relaxation, flexibility and endurance. Less emphasis is placed on strength training. Read more about our Adults Program!



Ai is the Japanese term for joining or unifying.

Ki is the term used to describe the spirit or energy present in one self , in others and in combinations thereof.

Do is the path or way.

Aikido is a martial art which has often been described as MOVING ZEN.