Aikido Terms Glossary

Age: Upward/rising.

Ai: Harmony.

Ai Hanmi: Shite and Uke are in the same stance.

Aikido: The way of blending ki; the way of harmony with energy.

Aikidoka: A practitioner of Aikido.

Aiki Nage: Special kind of breath throw.

Anza: Sitting cross-legged.

Arigato Gozai Mashita: Thank you very much.

Ashi Kiriage: Cut the foot up.

Atama: Head.

Ate/Atemi: Hit/strike.

Ate Miashi: Without hit/strike.

Awase: Meeting/coming together.

Aya: Cross.

Aya Gyaku Mochi: Cross wrist reverse grasp.

Aya Jun Mochi: Cross wrist straight grasp.

Aya Mochi: Cross hand grasp.

Aya Tegatana: Cross cut hand, block, sweep down.

Bango Hajime: Begin counting.

Barai: Expose/open up.

Bokken: Wooden Sword.

Budo: Way of the warrior/ martial way.

Buki: Weapons.

Buki Motoe: Put away your weapons.

Bushido: Warrior code of chivalry. 

Chinkon: Meditation.

Cho: Chief/head.

Choyaku (or Choyaku Undo): Jumping in place. 

Chu: Middle.

Chudan: Middle level/position.

Chumoku: Attention to middle/front.

Dai: Number.

Dan: Rank/Level/Grade – higher than kyu level.

Deosae: Start with a pin.

Do: Way or waist or degree.

Do Giri: Horizontal body cut.

Dogi: The uniform of the Aikidoka.

Dogi: Way uniform.

Dojo: Place of practice/study.

Dosa: Movement.

Eri: Collar.

Eri Mochi: Collar Grasp.

Fukkin Undo: Leg lift exercise.

Fukoso O Totonoete: Fix your uniform.

Fumokomi: Cross step.

Fumokomi Hyaku Hachi Judo Kaiten: Cross step, 180° pivot.

Fumokomi Kotai: Cross step back.

Fumokomi Taihenko Ichi: Cross step in, body change.

Fumokomi Uketomi: Cross step, block.

Fumokomi Yoke: Cross step evasion/escape.

Futari: Two people.

Gaeshi: Reversal or change (direction).

Gaiwan Uchi Yoke: Arm bent down block/evasion.

Ganmenzuki: Face thrust.

Gasshi: Press/put together.

Geidan: Lower level or position.

Giri: Cut.

Go: hard or five

Gyaku Hanmi: Shite and Uke are in mirror image stance.

Gyaku Mawashi: Wrist circles in opposite direction.

Gyaku Mochi: Reverse grasp.

Hachi: Eight

Hajime:  Japanese command for “begin”.

Hajime Training: Rapid, repetitive training.

Hakama: A divided skirt worn by black belts.

Hanmi: Stance.

Hanmi Handachi: Shite sitting and Uke standing.

Happo Giri: A basic Kata for Bokken.

Hara: centre of gravity

Harai: Knock aside.

Hashirikomi: Running steps.

Hasshu Giri: Eight different cuts.

Hasso: A basic stance with weapon held vertical at shoulder.

Hichu: Throat.

Hidari: Left.

Hiji: Elbow.

Hiji Ate Nage: Hitting elbow throw. 

Hiji Giri: Elbow cut.

Hiji Mochi: Elbow grasp.

Hijishime and most pins.

Hijishime: Elbow lock.

Hiji Osae: Elbow control.

Hikiashi: Step back.

Hikiashi Koho Ukemi Ichi: Sit down Breakfall (#1).

Hikiashi Koho Ukemi Ni: Sit down Breakfall (#2, with hitting).

Hikiotoshi: Pulling down throw.

Hiriki No Yosae Ichi: Elbow Power #1.

Hiriki No Yosae Ni: Elbow Power #2.

Hitoemi: Side facing stance with shoulders and feet in line; to hide behind the sword.

Hiyaku Ukemi: Jumping forward breakfall.

Hiza: Knee.

Hiza Giri: Knee cut.

Ho: Method.

Hojodosa: Supplementary movement.

Hyaku: Jumping or 100.

Hyaku Hachi Ju Do Kaiten: 180° pivot.

Ichi: one

Ichi Ni Tsuite: Everyone to their place.

Ikkajo: 1st control.

Ikkyu Yoke (Fumikomi Yoke): First Kyu evasion.

Irimi Nage: Step in throw.

Irimizuki: Step in thrust.

Jiyu: Free/unlimited.

Jiyu Waza: Free style.

Jo: A wooden staff.

Jodan: Upper level/position.

Ju: Ten. 

Ju No: Ten kinds.

Jujikumi: Crossing (overlap).

Juji Nage: Arm cross throw.

Juji Yoke: Arm cross block.

Junbi Undo:  Warm-up exercises.

Junmochi: Straight grasp.

Kaiten: Pivot evasion/escape.

Kaiten Nage: Rotary throw.

Kaiten Yoke: 180° body change escape.

Kakari Geiko: ‘Round robin’ practice.

Kakuji Hajime: Begin (doing) yourself.

Kamae: Basic stance.

Kami: Spirit.

Kan: House/place.

Kanren: applied or practical

Kasumi: Haze/mist.

Kata: Shoulder or form/pattern.

Kata Hiza Tsuki: One knee down.

Kata Kotai: Put on shoulder.

Kata Mochi: Shoulder grasp.

Kata Oshi: Shoulder push.

Katate Aya Mochi: Cross wrist grasp.

Katate Aya Gyaku Mochi: Cross wrist inverted grasp.

Katate Mochi: One wrist grasp.

Kazuri: Broken or sliding.

Keiko Shuryo: Class dismissed.

Ken: Sword.

Ken Chaku Shugori: To squeeze the sword on cutting.

Ken O Fumi: Step on the sword.

Kenshu: A period of more intensive training.

Kenshusei: A kenshu student.

Kenson: Modesty/humility.

Kessa Giri: Diagonal body cut (up or down).

Ki: Spirit/force/energy.

Kiai: A loud, martial shout to focus and extend your Ki.

Kihon: Basic.

Kihon Dosa: Basic movements. 

Kihon Dosa Sotai Dosa: Basic movements with partner.

Kihon Waza: Basic technique.

Kimusubi: Blending together of Ki.

Kiri: Cut.

Kiri Age: Cut up.

Kiri Kiashi: Block side with bokken.

Kiri Orishi: Cut down.

Kiritsu: Stand up.

Kiri Wake: Hands guiding – one palm up, one down.

Kohai: Junior.

Koho Kaiten Ukemi: Backward roll.

Koho Ukemi Ichi: Back breakfall #1.

Koho Ukemi Ni: Back breakfall #2

Kokyu Ho: Breath method.

Kokyu Nage: Breath throw.

Konoha: Leaf/leaves/foliage.

Kotai: Change.

Kote: Wrist.

Kotegaeshi: Reverse hand.

Koto: Fact/issue/question.

Kubi: Neck.

Kubiate: Hit neck.

Kumi: Together.

Kumitachi: With swords.

Kuzushi: Advanced; an advanced movement.

Kyu: (Rank.) Level/class/grade below black belt level or nine.

Kyu Ju Go Do Kaiten: 95° pivot.

Ma: Distance.

Ma-ai: Appropriate distance.

Maki Otoshi: To push the opponent’s sword away in a circular thrust.

Mata Wa: Or.

Memoku: Close your eyes: empty your mind.

Migi: Right.

Mochi: Grasp.

Mokuso: Close your eyes: concentrate.

Motoe: Replace/put back.

Muki Atte, Kamae: Face each other, basic stance.

Muki Atte, Seiza: Face each other, kneel.

Mune Mochi: Chest grasp.

Nage: Throw.

Neko: Soft/gentle (cat-like).

Ni: two or you

Nido: Two/twice.

Nido Mawari: Two times pivot.

Nidozuki: Two times thrust.

Nikago: 2nd control.

Nikyu Yoke (Kaiten Yoke): 2nd kyu evasion (shuffle 180° pivot.)

Nishu Hanpuku: Two kinds – repeat.

Nuki: Pierce/skewer.

O Sensei: great teacher Morihei Ueshiba

Onaji: Same.

Onajiku: Repeat the same technique on the other side.

Oroshi: Downward.

Osae: Control.

Oshi: Push.

Osu!: A strong budo greeting/salutation.

Otagaini Rei: Bow to each other.

Oyo: Advanced.

Rei: Bow.

Renshu: Practice.

Renzoku: Continuation.

Roku: six

Ronbun: Essay/written assignment.

Ryo: Both.

Ryo Hiji Mochi: Both elbow grasp.

Ryo Hiza Tsuki: Both knees down.

Ryote Mochi: Both wrists grasp.

Sabaki: Body movement/type of control.

San: three or an honorific title

Sando: Three times.

Sankajo: 3rd control.

Sankaku: Triangle.

Sankaku Yoke: Triangle block.

Sankaku Uchi Yoke: Inside triangle block.

Sankaku Soto Yoke: Outside triangle block.

Sasoi: Lead/draw in.

Sayu: Side/flank.

Sei: Righteous/justice/tall/straight.

Seiretsu: Line up.

Seiza: The proper way to sit in Aikido.

Seiza Chumoku: Kneel and attention to centre/front.

Senaka: Back

Senaka Giri: Back cut.

Senpai: Senior.

Senpai Ni Rei: Bow to the Senior.

Sensei: Master, teacher.

Sensei Ni Rei: Bow to the Sensei.

Seoi: Over the shoulder.

Seoshi Undo: Back to back exercise.

Shibumi: Elegant simplicity.

Shido: Guidance/leadership/direction.

Shiho Nage: All direction throw.

Shiho Nage Sabaki: All direction type of control.

Shikko Ho: Knee walking.

Shin: Mind/soul/heart/divine things/spirit.

Shin Kokyu: Breathing exercise.

Shin Kon: Centering.

Shinsa: Test review.

Shisei O Tadashite: Back straight/make your spine erect.

Shi: four (see also Yon)

Shite: performer of technique. See Uke.

Shitei Waza: Previous technique.

Shite Uke Kotai: Reverse roles with your partner.

Shichi: seven

Shitsumon: Question.

Shihan: master instructor, teacher of teachers.

Shodan: First (lowest) black belt grade level. 1st degree black belt.

Shomen: Front.

Shomen Irimi Nage: Step in throw.

Shomen Ni Rei: Bow to the front.

Shomen Uchi: Front strike.

Shugo: Everyone together.

Shumatsu Dosa Ichi: Fixing movement #1 (After class exercise #1).

Shumatsu Dosa Ni: Fixing movement #2 (After class exercise #2).

Shuto: Cut with edge of hand/wrist/arm.

Sode Mochi Hyaku Ukemi: Sleeve grasp jumping Breakfall.

Sokumen Irimi Nage: Side step in throw.

Sotai Dosa: Movement with partner.

Soto: Outside.

Suige Tszuki: Body thrust/solar plexis thrust/ punch.

Suriashi: Slide the foot.

Suwari Komi: Suddenly drop to kneeling position.

Suwari Waza: Kneeling technique.

Tachi: Sword.

Tai: Body.

Tai Henko: Body change.

Taihiraki: Body open.

Tai No Henko Ichi: Cross step in body change.

Tai No Henko Ni: 95° pivot.

Taitenkan: Hands overhead body change.

Tandoku: Solo.

Tan: Small.

Tanto: Knife.

Te: Hand/wrist.

Tegatana: Cutting edge of the sword; sword cut.  (Hand sword)

Tegatana Ate: Hand sword strike/chop.

Tegatana Kirioshi: Chop with cut down.

Tegatana Kubiate: Chop to hit neck.

Tegatana Michibichi: Lead/guide with hand edge.

Te Kiriwake: Hands move in opposite direction.

Tegiri: Wring the sword.

Tekubi: Wrist (Neck of the hand.)

Tekubi Mawashi: Wrist circles.

Tekubi Mochi: Wrist grasp.

Tenchi Nage: Heaven and earth throw.

Tenkai: Pivot/turn.

Tenkan: Body shift.

Tenkan Nage: Body shift throw.

Tenoko: The back of the hand.

Tenoshita Kuguri: Duck under the arm.

Tenouchi: Inside of hand/palm.

To: And or Sword (old word).

Tobikoshi: Jump and go over. 

Tori: Kind/sort/set.

Tori Fune Undo: Rowing exercise.

Toshuwaza: Technique without weapons.

Tsuba: Hilt or guard on Bokken.

Tsugiashi: Shuffle.

Tsugiashi Taihenko Ichi: Shuffle in, body change #1.

Tsuki: Thrust/punch.

Uchi: Strike or inside.

Ude: Arm.

Udegarami: Arm lock.

Ude Osae: Arm control.

Ue: High (then cut down).

Uke: See Shite.

Ukenashi: A pivot block letting Uke flow.

Uke Tomi: Block/stop straight.

Ukemi: Aikido Breakfall and rolling techniques.

Ukemi Uchite Renshu: Mat hitting exercise.

Unaji: Nape of the neck.

Undo: Exercise.

Ushiro: Behind.

Ushiro Nage: Backwards throw.

Ushiro Waza: Behind technique.

Wa: Peace/harmony.

Waza: Technique.

Yamae: Stop, for the love of God, stop; ideally your partner does, too.

Yo: Cultivating/enlightening.

Yoi: Ready.

Yoke: Protection (evasion).

Yokomen Uchi: Side strike.

Yon: four

Yonkajo: 4th control.

Yubi: Finger.

Zanshin: After a throw, ‘finishing breath’, or the state of remaining attentive.

Zempo Kaiten Ukemi Ichi: Forward breakfall #1.

Zempo Kaiten Ukemi Ni: Forward breakfall #2.

Zempo Kaiten Ukemi San: Forward breakfall #3.

Zujo Mawashi: Turn above the head. 

Zuki: Thrust/punch.